Friday, 18 July 2014

Short Intro and Specification...


Any little readers that I might have from my previous blog are probably asking two main things:

1. Why are you starting a new one, your other blog is bad enough already!!

Well I have recently started practicing around on Photoshop and I thought that it would be pretty cool to post some of my pathetic attempts online so that in the future, I will be able to look back and see what needs to be improved...

And I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be using this for bragging purposes as well. (That is if I ever improve my skills, not fairly certain so far)

So basically this website will strictly be used for program artwork publishing only, with the exceptions of a few hand drawn doodles.

2. What the heck does W.Y.C.H.S.T.T.S.C.H.D stand for?

It basically stands for a famous phrase of mine this year of 2014:

"When You Can't Have Swag Then The Swag Can't Have Ducks..."

No need to shower me with encores of star-struckness from the shear genius of this marvelous saying, I already appreciate the beauty of it and how my mind comes up with these miracles.

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