Saturday 27 December 2014

Artsy Fartsy ...

Salutations my platitudinous plebeians!
Ha! I'm just kidding, I adore you guys! (please don't kill me.)

I have basically been doing a few Photoshop effects experiments, when I stumbled across a 'Teen Book Cover' challenge on my friend's form. So I figured it was time to put the effects experiments into good use and try out a cover!

Problem was... I tried out a watercolour effect and I think I flunked it. But I didn't know if it was suitable to present or not, so I'm posting both the coloured cover and the watercolor cover because I wasn't sure which one was better. Besides! I can just use one for the blurb and one for the actual cover!

Anywhootzurs! You guys decide:


AFTER (1):

AFTER (2):

So yeah!

I could just give you guys the 'blurb' that came with the assignment, but it was just your stereotypical 'girl tries to fit into her new school' teen flick, so I ain't going to waste my font space.

Was the coloured one a bit too flashy? I should've went easy on the paint shouldn't I?

I'll see if I've improved on the next one!

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Gold Digger - Sin City Style

You ever look at a cupcake and thought: 'Wow, I should really Photoshop that into a kitten!' ?
If not then never mind, because I haven't either.
Anyway, I've basically been looking at different movie posters for my Media GCSE and then I came across a few posters that look a little something like this:

And I thought the effect of the harsh red against the black and white background was pretty cool, so I tried it out myself on Photoshop. Although, rather than doing a promoting movie poster, I decided to base the picture on something a little more seductive and ... deceitful? I don't know WHAT word to use for this subject, but my friend was putting a lot of Kanye West songs on my radio recently, so this kind of a song promoter was inevitable - 


Yeeaaahhh... I dunno.

I guess I was aiming for a seductive and mischievous/evil look by highlighting the bright red and the golden jewelry, but maybe I should've chosen a better picture.


And a friend of mine was great enough to remind me about the copyright rules so allow me to point out right now: ALL images that I have used so far are NOT mine and I am not distributing them and not using them for any higher purposes whatsoever! All of them I got from Google Images.


Sunday 21 December 2014

And you thought the Groot fever would die down...


Who missed me?!


Of course nobody, why do I bother getting my hopes up?

I am back with my Photoshop which I got with another trial and I dived right into the exquisite pleasures that Photoshop tutorials provides with it's intricate plots and that totally did not start to sound like a sexual innuendo halfway through the second half of that sentence...


How did I start off after a long break?
Why, with a Photoshop of a celebrity who voices my FAVORITE tree character of all time! (Next to treebeard! Don't worry pal, you're still up there!)

So I basically found a few tutorials that showed you the arts of text Portraits and this is what I ended up with:




I'm not sure if this could be considered a little bit on the tacky side, but who cares? 
The main point of the story which we have learnt is:

I Am Groot.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


Dear peepz who barely read this blog,

it shames me to say that I won't be updating for a while as all of my documents have been removed and I have lost my photoshop program.

Don't ask me how that shiznit happened, it just did and as soon as soon as I get any means of photoshop, (which probably won't be for a while) I will update. Until then, no more posting on this (not like I did much of that before.)

Monday 21 July 2014

Christopher Eccleston...Sparkled

And I am back with another exceptionally well-done piece of Photoshop art.


But it seems that with this one, I have received...mixed reactions; some congratulated me on learning a new skill while others claimed that I am psychologically disturbed (honestly, I would've thought they realized by now...), but I'll leave that for you readers to decide!

This idea came to me when I found a very difficult tutorial online showing you how you can add abs on Photoshop, but instead I found a much more easier way of making someone look more muscular.

Again, I have used another Doctor Who actor...

Basic Before Images I Started With: 

Finishing Result: 

I believe this could totally manage to end up on the cover of a Vogue magazine! Although, I may have added too many sparkles... I just hope that Mr. Eccleston is a chill dude and that he doesn't get angry seeing this which ends up with me headless at the bottom of a river...

Friday 18 July 2014

Avatar David Tennant...

And what with me being the excited little Olm that I am (look it up; rather weird and confusing and fascinating creature), I have decided to put on my first official post right away!

I have experimented with different tutorials online and what better way to start my first Photoshop session than editing one of my favorite actors into a creature from one of my favorite sci-fi movies!

Basic Before Image I Started With:

Finishing Result:

I honestly believe that I made him look very fabulous (although I will not deny a faint coincidental flaw on his ears) and I hope that in the future I would not have become TOO awesome to look back on this and cringe at how it might look a bit amateur.

Short Intro and Specification...


Any little readers that I might have from my previous blog are probably asking two main things:

1. Why are you starting a new one, your other blog is bad enough already!!

Well I have recently started practicing around on Photoshop and I thought that it would be pretty cool to post some of my pathetic attempts online so that in the future, I will be able to look back and see what needs to be improved...

And I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be using this for bragging purposes as well. (That is if I ever improve my skills, not fairly certain so far)

So basically this website will strictly be used for program artwork publishing only, with the exceptions of a few hand drawn doodles.

2. What the heck does W.Y.C.H.S.T.T.S.C.H.D stand for?

It basically stands for a famous phrase of mine this year of 2014:

"When You Can't Have Swag Then The Swag Can't Have Ducks..."

No need to shower me with encores of star-struckness from the shear genius of this marvelous saying, I already appreciate the beauty of it and how my mind comes up with these miracles.